12-09-2013, 02:38 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
Posts: 25,078
Tonight I saw a friend at a meeting who is just coming back into the rooms. He is at the local mission and the last time I saw him at a meeting he was in detox. I have known this fellow for 13 years, he was in NA when I came into the rooms.
It doesn't matter what fellowship he has come back to after a relapse, I have been there. The last time I saw him was at an AA Twleve Step meeting and an open Speaker Meeting in AA over a year ago. Tonight it was at a CA meeting where they use AA literature.
I have never used Crack/Cocaine yet I am an addict who used alcohol and prescription drugs. I never used Crack and Cocaine, because they were never in front of me. Crack/Cocaine is his drug of choice and he is new to CA and I hope this time he will stay.
My recovery started in AA and have gone to NA when required for identification, and I have only been a member of a Women's CA Group since June of this year.
They say we are where we are suppose to be, and this proved very true for me. I came to this fellowship as a result of a 15 month relationship with a fellow who had 5 years clean. I had thought of leaving and giving him his space, yet when I have things like this happen, I tend to take it as a message that I am where I am suppose to be.
I qualify for all the programs, I am an addict and an alcoholic, and I have gone where I have been led.
CA says "and all other mind altering substance" and believes in complete abstinence from "all" substances in order to be clean and sober. Sobriety for me means soundness of mind. You can't smoke pot and take pills and have soundness of mind, although I have heard some people say they have had a spiritual experience smoking pot! Yeah right!!! All the more power to them! This same guy fell off a sixth floor balcony, became paralyzed from the waist down and died from an overdose. He was at his home meeting in AA on Sunday and was found dead by his girlfriend on Monday morning.
How many 'pure' alcoholics are there today! Gambling, work, food, and other substances seem to be substitutions that take people back to the same soul sickness of their addiction and are taken back to their drug of choice.
A woman who was a big example in my early recovery, went to meetings in a wheel chair. She had to be carried into the meetings. She died falling down stairs in her wheel chair, as a result of being stoned on pot.
I am not saying this is all people in AA. I am just saying that we need to get back to some basics. To use is to die. Bill and others confessed to be addicted to other substances (Doctor, Alcoholic, Addict) and if they realized they needed to stay clean, why do alcoholic in today justify their behaviour. I know it is a disease of denial. Yet I keep hearing about how the success rate of recovery has dropped and they seem to question why? When we look at the success rate of the earlier recruits into AA, what are we not doing in today?
Posted in 2004
Love always,
I share because I care.