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07-08-2018, 04:53 AM | #391 |
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Sunday, JULY 8 From the book: Food for Thought Stronger or Weaker? Every time I say no to the craving for just one small, extra bite, I become stronger. Every time I give in, I weaken myself and make it harder to say no the next time. Abstinence from compulsive overeating is made up of many small decisions. We gradually acquire the knowledge of what we can handle and what we should avoid. This knowledge applies to situations and attitudes as well as food. As we work our program and make the right decisions, we gain strength. Since none of us is perfect, we do not need to become discouraged when we make mistakes. We are learning how to live, and our failures teach us more than our successes. Growth is slow, but if we keep coming back to OA and the program, we will see results beyond our wildest expectations. OA gives us the strength to become new people. For growing stronger, we thank You.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
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07-09-2018, 09:58 AM | #392 |
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Thought for the Day
Monday, JULY 9 From the book: Food for Thought Tension or Hunger? How often have we eaten because of tension, rather than hunger? Accepting our need for three measured meals a day with nothing in between establishes a sensible pattern, which satisfies our need for nourishment. When we are tense, we can find ways of relaxing which do not harm our body by making it fat. Learning to relax the stomach muscles helps get rid of tension hunger. Often when we have eaten too fast because of tension, our stomach continues to send hunger signals after the meal. There has not been enough time for the digestive process to register satisfaction. We can consciously relax the muscles so that the feeling of emptiness will go away. The best cure for tension is a growing faith in our Higher Power. If we are willing to trust Him in the little things of each day, as well as the big events of our life, we will be able to relax and cultivate serenity. Dissolve my tension and feed my hunger, I pray.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
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07-10-2018, 11:33 PM | #393 |
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Thought for the Day
Tuesday, JULY 10 From the book: Food for Thought A Progressive Illness It is the experience of recovering compulsive overeaters that the illness is progressive. The disease does not get better; it gets worse. Even while we abstain, the illness progresses. If we were to break our abstinence, we would find that we had even less control over our eating than before. Continued abstinence is our only means of health and sanity. We well remember the misery and despair that we felt when we were overeating, and we do not want to feel that way again. Abstaining from one compulsive bite is a small price to pay for health and sanity. When we find ourselves thinking thoughts, which in the past have preceded loss of control, we need to realize the great danger that lies in a relapse. The OA program has saved us from the destruction of compulsive overeating, but our disease is still alive. Our program needs to be foremost in our minds every day if we are to continue recovering. Do not let me forget my illness
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-11-2018, 03:53 PM | #394 |
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Thought for the Day
Wednesday, JULY 11 From the book: Food for Thought Goals and Ends Most of us came into this program with a specific weight goal in mind. We thought that if only we could weigh an ideal number of pounds, all of our other troubles would miraculously vanish. When we reach goal weight, we discover that we still have to live with ourselves and deal with our problems. If we have been developing a strong program as we have been losing weight, we have a basis on which to work for further emotional and spiritual growth. Our emotional and spiritual goals are not static. Since we never achieve perfection, there is always opportunity for further progress. The beauty of the OA program is that it is a program for life; its possibilities are limitless. To know and do the will of our Higher Power is our ultimate goal as well as our immediate one. May I remember that You are my goal today and always.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
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07-12-2018, 07:23 PM | #395 |
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Thought for the Day
Thursday, JULY 12 From the book: Food for Thought Growing Up There is no magic. Nothing - be it person, place, or thing - is going to give us instant and permanent gratification. We keep thinking in the back of our mind that there is some way we can manipulate life into granting us all of our desires, even when they contradict each other. When we seriously and with honest effort work our way through the Twelve Steps, we begin to grow up emotionally and spiritually. Abstinence from compulsive overeating makes this growth possible. It is not easy, but it is definitely worth the effort. Acceptance and renunciation are necessary if we are to live with satisfaction in the real world. Grandiose illusions are of no help. We come to understand that certain foods, emotions, and attitudes are not for us if we are to maintain our sanity. There is no magic, but there is a Power greater than ourselves. Who is directing our growth.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
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07-13-2018, 01:10 PM | #396 |
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Thought for the Day
Friday, JULY 13 From the book: Food for Thought Living from Within We are often deluded into thinking that we will find our pattern for living from someone else. We look for models to imitate. Although we do learn from others, it is from within that our most sure guidance comes. Since each one of us is unique, there is no other human being who can give us an example to copy exactly. OA recognizes individual differences and the need we each have to discover our true self. By sharing our experience, strength, and hope, we are able to develop our unique potential as individuals. We are each free to take from and give to the group, according to our own unique needs and abilities. If we are to receive the strength, which our Higher Power wants us to have, we need to listen to the inner voice that tells us what is right for us at any given moment. The most sure guidance comes from within. May I listen to Your voice.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-14-2018, 12:03 PM | #397 |
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Thought for the Day
Saturday, JULY14 From the book: Food for Thought Energize, Don't Tranquilize Food is nourishment for our bodies, not a drug. When we overeat, we sap our energy and dull our responses. Too much food makes us lazy and lethargic. We should eat for energy, not oblivion. If we have been using food as a narcotic to temporarily deaden the pain of living, then we need to learn other ways to cope. Much of our pain is needless, brought on by egocentric fears and demands. If we accept the fact that we cannot change another person's behavior, then we will not hurt ourselves by anger at what that person does. At the same time, we will learn to remove ourselves from people and situations, which cause us unnecessary pain. We do not have to be martyrs! Abstinence gives us the energy to make positive changes. A certain amount of pain, both physical and emotional, is unavoidable. Often, it accompanies growth. To tranquilize ourselves with food is to impede growth. May I remember to eat for energy instead of oblivion.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-15-2018, 01:25 PM | #398 |
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Thought for the Day
Sunday, JULY 15 From the book: Food for Thought Clean Abstinence It is easy to become sloppy in our abstinence and in our program. This is where a daily inventory is an invaluable aid. When we catch ourselves cheating just a little on measurements, making excuses to skip meetings, neglecting to follow the promptings of our Higher Power, it is time for housecleaning. If we have stopped calling in our food plan and are having trouble with abstinence, we may need to get in touch with a food sponsor. Many of us find it hard to admit that we cannot do everything alone! False pride can be our downfall. If we pretend that all is well when it is not, we cut ourselves off from the help of the group. The time to correct small mistakes is immediately, before they get bigger and make us discouraged. Admitting the mistake to another person clears the way for correction and change. Thank You for those who help me maintain clean abstinence.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-16-2018, 02:12 PM | #399 |
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Thought for the Day
Monday, JULY 16 From the book: Food for Thought Hard Right or Easy Wrong? We are constantly faced with choices, and often we are tempted to follow the way of least resistance. In our dealings with others and ourselves it is usually easier to say yes than no, but yes is not always the best answer. If we are too permissive, we become lax and ineffective. The problem with taking the easy way is that it usually ends up being harder in the long run. If we do not control our eating, we will have all of the problems of obesity. If we do not limit our spending, we will eventually lack funds for what we need. If we do not follow moral and ethical principles, our lives become chaotic and we live in constant fear and tension. Although choosing the hard right is difficult, it is by exercising our ethical muscles that we become strong and gain self-respect. By Your grace, may I make the right choices.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-17-2018, 01:56 PM | #400 |
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Thought for the Day
Tuesday, JULY 17 From the book: Food for Thought The Narrow Path Abstinence is the narrow path that leads out of the swamp of compulsive overeating. If we allow ourselves to deviate from the path, we immediately put ourselves on slippery ground and run the risk of falling into a bog of quicksand. The longer we maintain firm abstinence, the more sure our steps become as we walk away from the crippling effects of our disease. It is so much easier to stay on the narrow path than to slip off and have to find it again. Without abstinence, we compulsive overeaters are lost. If abstinence is not the most important thing in our lives, then food becomes our number one priority, and we gradually destroy ourselves. Guide my steps, I pray, on the narrow path of abstinence.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-18-2018, 09:14 PM | #401 |
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Thought for the Day
Wednesday, JULY 18 From the book: Food for Thought Don't Jump When we have achieved a significant period of abstinence from compulsive overeating, it is as though we have slowly climbed many flights of stairs all the way up to the top floor of a skyscraper. Telling ourselves that we will make a small exception and break abstinence just one time is like saying we will jump out a window on the top floor of the skyscraper and fall down only as far as the next floor. The nature of our disease is such that one small compulsive bite inevitably leads to eventual disaster. We may be able to postpone the binge for a day or a week or even longer, but once we give up our control, we put ourselves in a pattern of downward descent. All we need do in order to stay on the top floor of the skyscraper is to maintain our abstinence. A small price to pay for such a magnificent view! Protect me from a fatal jump.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-19-2018, 06:46 PM | #402 |
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Thought for the Day
Thursday, jULY 19 From the book: Food for Thought Right Makes Might When we are working our program properly, we have an inner sense of rightness that makes us strong and self-confident. We are controlling food, rather than being controlled by it. We are willing to let our Higher Power straighten out our confused lives. Action is necessary. We need to "walk the walk" as well as "talk the talk." No amount of insight will give us progress unless we are willing to take the concrete steps outlined in the OA program. We need to work closely with qualified sponsors who can guide us in our abstinence and in our program. Compulsive overeating made us weak physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As we abstain, we gain strength on all three levels. Thank You for the strength that comes from doing the right thing.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-20-2018, 10:14 PM | #403 |
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Thought for the Day
Friday, JULY 20 From the book: Food for Thought Turning Toward the Light Plants, as they grow, automatically turn toward the light. People can choose between light or darkness. The OA program is available to us, but we may choose whether or not we will follow it. Our Higher Power is also available to us, if we choose to seek His will. Before we found OA, we wandered around in the darkness of compulsive overeating. Now that we see glimmers of light, we need to turn ourselves in the direction from which the light is coming. Working the program requires taking the time and effort to change our routine. The light is here, but we need to turn away from darkness and open ourselves to it. As we examine ourselves in the light that comes from our Higher Power through OA, we begin to see more clearly where we should make changes and how we may find health and peace. Grant us grace to turn toward Your light.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-21-2018, 08:00 PM | #404 |
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hought for the Day
Saturday, JULY 21 From the book: Food for Thought Following the Rules When we were eating compulsively, we thought we could make up our own rules as we went along. We thought we were entitled to eat what we wanted when we wanted it. The result was chaos. We found that living according to self-will did not work. Commitment to the OA program involves the willingness to accept a set of rules, which we did not make. Following the abstinence guidelines is what enables us to control our disease. When we ignore the discipline, which has worked for others and insist on doing it our way, our chances for recovery diminish. The rules of abstinence - three measured meals a day with nothing in between, no binge foods, a definite plan, etc. - are the means to freedom. To rebel against them is to delay or prevent our liberation from compulsive overeating. I pray for the honesty to follow the rules.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
07-22-2018, 11:52 PM | #405 |
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Thought for the Day
Sunday, JULY 22 From the book: Food for Thought The Power of Abstaining Abstaining from compulsive overeating fills us with new strength. When we become honest and determined in this area of our life, our resolution and clarity flow into other areas, too. The new order and discipline are reflected in all that we do. We establish abstinence as the most important thing in our life. As mind and body are released from the dullness and apathy caused by too much food, we are more efficient and we function more effectively. Other priorities and values sort themselves out. Instead of being torn by conflicting desires, we are able to decide which projects and activities are of most value. Instead of being paralyzed by fear and depression, we have the motivation and energy to do what needs to be done. Accepting life-long abstinence as the will of our Higher Power enables us to push food out of the center of our life. Thank You for the power of abstaining.
Love always, Jo I share because I care. |
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