There's More To It
After I had finally gotten so sick and tired of living the way I was, I finally started to look for something else for myself, and that's when I found recovery. Though at the time I didn't even know if this is what I wanted or was looking for, I couldn't be sure that it was, but it did seem to be a step in the right direction away from where I was. But still I wanted something more for myself, because I was still lacking in so much of my life and I didn't even know how to begin to go about getting all of that. Then I realized that there's more to it, then just me being in recovery, that there was work I needed to do, that needed to be done, and all of that work could be found in doing the steps in recovery that were designed to help me be able to have something else for myself. There's a lot more to recovery than meets the eye, and I am glad that there is, because I have been able to find what it is that I have always been looking for my entire life because of doing the work that's found in recovery. It works if you work it, is so true for anyone, including me.