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bluidkiti 11-17-2023 05:59 AM

Unexpected Journey
God's Word For Today

Unexpected Journey

Read Acts 7:1 through 8:40

Matt was known as a good guy in his workplace. His coworkers watched how he conducted himself and interacted with others. When rumors of downsizing and restructuring started rolling through the company, many stopped by Matt’s office looking for a word of comfort. “What matters,” he would say, “is that whatever happens, wherever we go, God will go with us.”

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went (Acts 8:4).

When persecution broke out against the Early Church in Jerusalem, believers fled in what might have appeared as random directions. But God had a purpose and a plan. As these Christian refugees traveled, they shared the good news of Jesus. Instead of spreading sorrow, they spoke of joy, peace, and the forgiveness of sins.

Displacement or change can happen at any time for a variety of reasons: loss of good health, economics, or natural disaster. Whatever happens in our lives, God is never caught unprepared. The best way to get ready for what might come tomorrow is to give God the day today.

Thought for Today: An unexpected journey could be God’s opportunity for us to tell others about Him.

Quicklook: Acts 8:4–8

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